You're Invited! Being amongst the very first to discover the world's first interactive custom kids clothing brand with Supermix Founder Jennifer Bischoff.
You're Invited! Being amongst the very first to discover the world's first interactive custom kids clothing brand with Supermix Founder Jennifer Bischoff.
The Supermix story started when Founder CEO Jennifer Stein-Bischoff was a little girl. She was always embellishing her clothes, looking for ways to make them her own.
• She brings this dream to life by empowering people to hyper-personalize the things they already love to wear.
• With the Supermix platform, it’s easy to design something that lets anyone wear their heart and originality on their sleeves, or wherever they want to place a patch of their favorite thing.
• How she came up with the Supermix brand and idea.
• What makes Supermix so unique in the marketplace.
• How Supermix is giving kids a platform to wear their cause on their sleeve.
• Design Tips & Tricks for that perfect custom piece.
• Receive 50 patch points just for attending ($10 Value!)